David S. Felder, m.d. Board Certified Cosmetic Eyelid Plastic Surgeon

Botox – Anti-Wrinkle Treatment Fort Lauderdale

Published on December 18, 2014
Botox Fort Lauderdale

Botox is a popular injectable treatment used to fight wrinkles and fine lines. It’s important to remember that not all wrinkles are alike; some are static, and others are dynamic. What is the difference between dynamic and static wrinkles?

Static wrinkles actually come from dynamic wrinkles. The normal facial expressions people make during the course of their days create dynamic wrinkles, little lines that are only visible when the expressions are being made. When a person’s face is at rest, these wrinkles are not evident, because the muscles are not contracted.

After the muscles have contracted for the same facial expressions over and over again, they begin to stay somewhat contracted, even when the face is at rest. Thus, the once-dynamic wrinkles stay visible on the face permanently and are known as static wrinkles.

To put an end to dynamic wrinkles before they become static wrinkles, come in for Botox treatments from Dr. David Felder, an ophthalmic plastic surgeon board-certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology. Set up a Botox appointment by contacting us today.

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