David S. Felder, m.d. Board Certified Cosmetic Eyelid Plastic Surgeon

Belotero Injections and What They Can Do for You

Published on March 16, 2020

As we age, our skin naturally sheds many of its natural components like elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. This leads to loosening of the skin, wrinkles, and fine lines. Dermal fillers like Belotero Balance help to restore your skin’s elasticity and firmness.

What Is Belotero?

Belotero injections are a range of cosmetic dermal fillers, designed to minimize the appearance of folds and fine lines in facial skin. These dermal fillers are made using hyaluronic acid. Belotero injections are available in different consistencies for application on both severe folds and fine lines. The injections are typically administered on the chin, lips, nose, cheeks, and near the eyes.

What Do Belotero Injections Do?

This hyaluronic-based dermal filler easily integrates into your skin issue. Here, it helps to fill in and smoothen out moderate to severe lines and fold, i.e. nasolabial folds. Once injected, you will retain your facial expressions and normal movement. In addition, the treated areas of your skin will feel natural to the touch.

Currently, Belotero Balance injections are only used to treat fine lines and folds in the facial skin.

How Is Belotero Made?

Belotero Balance is made using a cohesive polydensified matrix or CPM process. This produces a flexible and smooth gel that is easy to administer. The areas being treated, i.e. wrinkles and fine lines are gently filled with this gel. Once injected, the gel seamlessly blends into the natural structures of your face.

What Can You Expect After the Injection?

After receiving your Belotero Balance treatments, you may experience mild inflammation that disappears within 7 days. For 24 hours after receiving treatment, you must avoid the following:

  • exposure to heat and sun
  • alcoholic beverages
  • strenuous activity
  • certain medications like NSAIDs and aspirin

Contact with any of the items mentioned above may lead to swelling, itching, and or temporary redness at the treated site.

What Should You Do Before Getting Belotero Balance?

Before getting this dermal filler, you must inform your doctor if you are taking certain medications such as NSAIDs, aspirin, warfarin, or any medications that will affect blood clotting. These medicines will increase your risk of bleeding or bruising at the treatment site.

In addition, inform your doctor if you experience any of the following skin reactions to the dermal filler:

  • cysts
  • cold sores
  • rashes
  • pimples
  • hives

Inform your doctor if you’re taking medications that influence your immune system. Belotero Balance injections are not suitable for individuals who have severe or multiple allergies or those who have a history of anaphylaxis. This dermal filler is not suitable for people who are allergic to gram-positive bacteria.

What Is The Effectiveness of Belotero Injections?

Once this dermal filler is injected, you will notice immediate results. You can expect to see lasting results for up to 18 months.

With Belotero Balance, you can once again laugh and smile with confidence!